Water damage can only mean one thing, something went wrong in some unpredictable way. It happens, and fortunately for us, water damage on rugs is usually reversible. A good soaking in a neutralizing wash will bring the color back and In most cases you will never even know there was any damage to the rug, that’s including foul odors. It is common when rugs with water damage sit for too long, they will develop mold and mildew, which of course does not smell good. But as stated earlier, even the mold and the smells that come with it are treatable. Of course the quicker you treat your water damaged rug the better, as this allows less time for any more damage to occur https://www.fema.gov/pdf/rebuild/recover/fema_mold_brochure_english.pdf . If you have had any water damage recently please don’t hesitate to call us for any advice or for a free consultation.
Water Damage New York City
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